Art Nouveau

Viennese Bistro Chair Style Art Nouveau Secession No. Thonet

Viennese Bistro Chair Style Art Nouveau Secession No. Thonet
Viennese Bistro Chair Style Art Nouveau Secession No. Thonet

Viennese Bistro Chair Style Art Nouveau Secession No. Thonet    Viennese Bistro Chair Style Art Nouveau Secession No. Thonet

Armchair 20s from an unidentified manufacturer but the design is clearly inherited the bentwood Thonet No. 461 appeared in 1905 in the breakaway current of the Viennese Art Nouveau. Patina light walnut original upholstery redone - seat, two-sided medallion (professional work) fabric in shades \Good condition, ready to ask - living room, bedroom, or office chair. Height 99 cm - Seat 48 x 45 cm - seat height 47 cm. Width between armrests 46.5 cm.

Delivery by courier France & Europe - including insurance on the value - pro invoice issued for any purchase. Ous my packages are prepared in. Environment clean and healthy, with packing materials. Stored in my local foam, bubble, new cartons. Transportation is provided by one. Who collects the parcel addressed to me and without contact. A No package is sent to you to follow through the internet or phone its delivery until the insured delivery. Thank you for your confidence.

Chairs and other parts manufacturers. Thonet kohn, Fischel, Baumann et al.

Other seats Vintage Bistro antique - furniture. Bistro of dealer - of the same type but most popular parts or. More marked by lusage but still in good condition and ready to install in a spirit antiques and decor as \Vintage counter.

And design of the 50s to 70. See all items for sale. Vintage furniture items and old Madame bentwood are selected, preserved in their find juice, checked for installation. The classical antiquity marks, minor incidents or small common experience of repairs, without harm to the overall aesthetics nor good functionality chairs and other furniture are not detailed in the descriptions. These corollaries tou t furniture old and its maintenance over time, make all the charm of its character and are the best guarantee of its authenticity. The good condition applies to the cohesion verified parts and their assemblies; the stability and the seat functionality. Any transformation, subsequent renovation or other adjuvant in this state, is at the discretion and at the discretion of the purchaser. Important: some usage details have for us professionals é era objects, not the same character of importance for the uninitiated. Depending on your level of demand and the nature of your proposed purchase, consider if necessary to ask questions about the details you can also import the generality of their presentation. Do not hesitate to ask for advice: the contact form with the seller, under \. All photos of jumble created for each batch are available in large format on request.

They are original, old and recently redone, are still used. Even a caning said in very good condition tolerates normal presence of a few strands used in a general framework that includes, remember, more than 100 strands intertwined for a caning six son. Unless explicitly stated, no chair caning which is still functional nest published in store. The chairs that are offered are original. As \If you are looking for the old as new furniture, you turn instead to the old copy sold decor store.

The decor wooden seats are original, always old. No broken chair whose background was replaced with a new / recent redécoupé patina to give the illusion of the ancient, etc. Nest on sale in store, but found the state and duly noted as such as wood fund probing put in the place of former caning or relined / upholstered lived classes.

Any manufacturing origin is attested. For the marking of parts and / or their identification to manufacturers catalogs period. Otherwise, it is indicated based on the criteria that allow for experience to locate their manufacturing environment due to such (s) manufacturer (s), country, period, etc. And specified on your invoice. The pieces are colissées for optimum transport security by national regular mail (no \Transport insurance is included and delivery is against signature. Any chair that would be broken réceptionnée recovery and repaid in full - including shipping. The buyer may assert the non-conformity of the object to the description on any point not mentioned in the ad or on which naura not previously questioned the seller. The buyer will oppose a biased assessment under general objectives and in which objects, sold in the state, are displayed verbatim, in pictures (with zoom) and filled alternatively by the terms and conditions, notwithstanding any information and / or pictures obtainable on request before purchase. Responsibility and reputation of the seller will not be held liable for delays in delivery time from the transport provider when the VAT, plus Shipping specified time when the sale was respected by evidence of documents from the seller. In case of loss or theft during transport found the buyer would be fully reimbursed for the purchase. Any claims or improper valuation violating these contractual terms will be filed jointly in dispute with Debay sarl and the Commercial Court, for its cancellation and the repair of any consequential damages.

Copy the text of the announcement of another Member and paste without permission in your own ad for the sale of the same object. The fact to make minor changes to the text does not necessarily relieve you from liability if it is substantially similar to the original text. Any reproduction or use of clear text, photos, and theft or obvious copy of trade name or pseudonym \Will be prosecuted according to the laws of the code of intellectual property, protection of copyrights and trademarks. Methods of transport and delivery France & Europe. Price displayed in each ad for each lot sold.

Nb: when buying or odd number of chairs, remember to complete your purchases to optimize your submission ( \Shipping takes 3 to 4 business days after receipt of payment. Transport insurance is included - delivery is against signature. On sending the registration number is notified to the customer who can check the status of its share on the carrier's website and / or contact by phone with local distribution agency whose details by sector are also on the carrier's website. It is the customer to be available for the reception that occurs in 24 to 72 hours anywhere in France; or, if necessary to contact the agency provided with its tracking No. In order to ask for another date and beach daily (morning or afternoon) for the reception, or change with the agency's collection address or to issue any other subsidiary set eg delivery to the concierge, to a neighbor, entry code, etc.

Large packages content-type chairs, armchairs etc. In case of absence, a calling card is anyway delivered by the driver in the client's address - himself - must contact (by phone or on the internet portal of the carrier) with the local agency to set a new path that suits its reception options. The discount is on the ground floor. No delivery is provided on weekends or outside of common business hours.

Thank you for your interest and your confidence. The item \The seller is \

  1. Color: light wood, fabric Granada <\/ li>
  2. material: beech <\/ li>
  3. Origin: Central Europe <\/ li>
  4. Dating: 20s <\/ li>
  5. furniture Type: bent wood / bentwood / bügholz <\/ li>
  6. decorative style: Art Nouveau, Viennese bistro <\/ li>
  7. Type: armchair <\/ li>
  8. number of parts: 1 <\/ li>
  9. Period: Art Nouveau <\/ li> <\/ Ul>

    Viennese Bistro Chair Style Art Nouveau Secession No. Thonet    Viennese Bistro Chair Style Art Nouveau Secession No. Thonet