Dimensions of the bronze: Height 9" x Width 8". This lovely bronze sculpture, inspired by the work of J. Moigniez, captures the essence of a duck with exceptional artistic talent. Created using the meticulous lost wax casting method, this sculpture showcases the precision and details achieved through this ancient and revered technique. The original model is typically sculpted in clay or wax, and the Lost Wax process is renowned for its ability to faithfully reproduce the intricate details of the original.
The lost wax casting method, although labor-intensive and costly, yields results that are nothing short of masterful. Each step of the process contributes to the creation of a masterpiece of heritage quality, illustrating the dedication to craftsmanship and artistic talent required to produce such works of art.
This sculpture, with its attention to detail and quality, pays homage to the enduring tradition of bronze casting. Whether displayed in a private collection or as part of a public exhibition, this bronze sculpture stands as a testament to the centuries-old tradition of bronze art. It invites viewers to appreciate the beauty and precision of the lost wax casting method, used for centuries to create lasting works of art. This charming duck sculpture showcases the artist's craftsmanship and the timeless appeal of bronze as a medium of artistic expression. It invites viewers to appreciate the beauty and precision of the lost wax casting method, used for centuries to create enduring works of art.