We serve a very demanding clientele, including collectors, architects, promotion and marketing groups, landscape architects, galleries, schools, charities, municipalities, restaurants, professional decorators and many more. Our decorative objects can enhance homes from the living room to the garden as well as offices. These demanding customers expect our best offers from us. Our major research focuses on themes such as Acrobat, Alsatian, Amalthea, Apollo, Archer, Harlequin, Athlete, Bacchus, Bather, Boat, Bathing beauty, Baby, Jewelry box, Tobacco box, Butcher, Candle holder, Bottle, Bust, Cain, Ashtray, Centerpiece, Mushroom, Chandelier, Knight, Chocolate, Fighter, Fruit bowl, Cup, Jug, Cook, Nude dancer, Half dolls, Damsel, Naked lady, Trivet, Devil, Diane Huntress, Discobole, Schoolboy, Schoolgirl, Scottish, Clip board, Elf, Inkwell, Child, Fencing, Fairy, Naked woman, Farmer, Party, Figurine, Girl, Flower, Fountain, Soccer, Blacksmith, Fruitier Boy, Geisha, Gentleman, Gladiator, Golfer, Bride, Half Doll Pin cushions, Pin cushion, Dutch, Naked man, Oil, Icarus, Drunkenness, Gardener, Jockey, Kitchen, Justice, Harvest, Birth, Sower, Victory, Vine, Garden, Thinker, Awakening, Shooting star, Egg, Magnifying glass, Goblin, Sick, Sleeve, Makeup.
Animals are also at the center of our research; Eagle, Egret, hunting animals, farm animals, domestic animals, wild animals, Spider, Ostrich, Bambi, Borzoi, Basset, Ram, Shepherd, Doe, Goat, Bulldog, Boxer, Pike, Bull terrier, Harrier, Cockatoo, Duck, Caribou, Deer, Cetacean, Camel, Cat, Horse, Goat, Dog, Nasty dog, Puppy, Owl, Ladybug, Pig, Cocker, Hummingbird, Necklace, Dove, Rooster, Crab, Crocodile, Crustacean, Swan, Dolphin, Dragon, Elephant, Snail, Etruscan, Pheasant, Faun, Falcon, Warbler, Fox terrier, Giraffe, Frog, Cheetah, Heron, Owl, Hippo, Swallow, Lobster, Falcon, Insects, Jaguar, Rabbit, Leopard, Lizard, Dragonfly, Hare, Lion, Lioness, Wolf, Mammal, Marabout, Kingfisher, Goose, Bird, Bird of prey, Bear, Panther, Peacock, Butterfly, Perch, Parrot, Pigeon, Penguin, Fish, Foal, Fox, Rhinoceros, Wild boar, Snake, Setter, Monkey, Bull, Tiger, Tortoise, Toucan, Cow, Calf, as collectors are fond of them. We are constantly looking for style objects such as Animal style, Art & Craft style, Art Deco style, Art Nouveau style, Baroque style, Chippendale style, Cubist style, Empire style, Gothic style, Louis XV style, Louis XVI style, Modern style, Neoclassical style, Queen Anne style, Regency style, Rococo style, Romantic style, Sims style, Traditional style, Victorian style, Vintage style, Advertising style, Masonic style, Sexy style, Erotic style, Collector style, Nude style, Mythological style, Authentic style, Handmade style, Artwork.
The sculptors we find in our collections are: We serve a very demanding clientele, including collectors, architects, promotion and marketing groups, landscape architects, galleries, schools, charities, municipalities, restaurants, and professional decorators, among others. English We are concentrating our efforts in the search for astonishing and high-quality art objects in limited edition. We serve a very demanding clientele, including collectors, architects, promotion and marketing groups, landscape architects, schools, charities, municipalities, professional decorators, and many more. Our decorative objects can decorate homes from the living room to the garden as well as offices. These demanding customers expect our best offers from us.The main things we are looking for are; Solid Bronze mounted on a base of natural stone or black marble, copper, cast iron, steel, porcelain, ceramic, enamels, cracked, slip, pottery, terracotta in perfect condition to offer as a gift. Our major research focuses on the themes; Acrobat, Alsatian, Amalthea, Apollo, Harlequin, Bather, boat, Baby, jewelry box, tobacco box, butcher, candle holder, bottle, bust, ashtray, table Center, mushroom, candlestick, Knight, Columbine, fruit bowl, cup, jug, Cook, nude dancer, damsel, naked Lady, Under-plate, devil, Diane Huntress, schoolboy, schoolgirl, Scottish, clip board, Ink, child, fencing, farmer, Party, girl, Flower, Fountain, soccer, blacksmith, Fruitman, Boy, Gladiator, golfer, Pin Cushions, Dutch, naked man, oil, Icarus, drunkenness, gardener, kitchen, big sip, Harvest, birth, victory, Vine, garden, thinker, awakening, Shooting Star, the Egg, magnifying glass, goblin, sick, sleeve, makeup. Animals are also at the center of our research; Eagle, Egret, animal and hunting animals, farm animals, domestic animals, wild animals, spider, Ostrich, RAM, shepherd, Doe, goat, bulldog, Pike, Harrier, Cockatoo, duck, Cetacean, Camel, cat, horse, dog, nasty Dog, puppy, ladybug, pig, hummingbird, necklace, Dove, rooster, crab, crustacean, Swan, Dolphin, elephant, snail, Etruscan, pheasant, Warbler, Giraffe, frog, owl, Hippo, swallow, lobster, Falcon, insects, rabbit, leopard, lizard, Dragonfly, Hare, Lioness, Wolf, mammal, Martin Sinner, goose, bird, bird of prey, bear, Peacock, butterfly, Perch, Parrot, Penguin, Fish, foal, wild boar, snake, monkey, Bull, tiger, tortoise, cow, calf, because Collectors are fond of it. We are constantly looking for style objects; Animal style, art & Craft style, Art Deco style, Art Nouveau style, baroque style, Chippendale style, cubist style, Empire style, Gothic style, Louis XV style, Louis XVI style, modern style, neoclassic style, Queen Anne style, Regency style, Rococo style, romantic style, Simms style Sims, traditional style, Victorian style, Vintage style, advertising style, masonic style, sexy style, erotic style, collector style nude style and nude mythological style, authentic style, handmade style artwork.
The sculptors we find in our collections These demanding customers expect us to be our best offer. ITALIANO Stiamo concentrando i nostri sforzi nella ricerca di oggetti d'arte sorprendenti e di alta qualità in edizione limitata. I nostri oggetti decorativi possono decorare le case dei viventi nel giardino così come gli uffici.
Questi clienti esigenti si aspettano le nostre migliori offerte da noi. Le cose principali che stiamo cercando sono; Bronzo massiccio montato su una base di pietra naturale o marmo nero, rame, ghisa, acciaio, metallo, porcellana, ceramica, smalti, incrinato, biscotto, ceramiche, terracotta in perfette condizioni da offrire come regalo.
La nostra ricerca principale si concentra sui temi; Acrobat, alsaziano, Anfitrite, Angel, Arlecchino, atleta, Bacco, bagnante, barca, bellezza balneare, scatola di monili, scatola di tabacco, macellaio, portacandele, bottiglia, busto, posacenere, fungo, candeliere, pin up, cavaliere, cioccolato, Fighter, ciotola di frutta, tazza, brocca, cuoco, ballerino, ballerina nuda, mezze bambole, damisella, donna nuda, sotto-piatto, diavolo, Diane Cacciatrice, scolaro, studentessa, elfo, inchiostro, bambino, scherma, fata, contadino, partito, ragazza, fiore, Fontana, calcio, fabbro, Uomo di frutta, ragazzo, gentiluomo, gladiatore, golfista, sposo, mezza bambola pin cuscini, puntaspilli, olandese, uomo nudo, olio, Icaro, ubriachezza, giardiniere, fantino, cucina, giustizia, nascita, Semeuse, vittoria, vite, giardino, pensatore, risveglio, ingrandimento ingrandimento vetro, malati, manica, trucco. Gli animali sono anche al centro della nostra ricerca; Aquila, Garceta, animali da caccia, animali da fattoria, animali domestici, animali selvatici, ragno, struzzo, pastore, capra, Cacatua, anatra, caribù, cervo, Cetaceo, gatto, cavallo, cabra, cane, cane malvagio, cucciolo, coccinella, maiale, colibrì, collana, colomba, Gallo, PUMA, granchio, coccodrillo, crostaceo, cigno, Delfino, drago, cammello, elefante, lumaca, fagiano, fulvo, Falco, padovana, giraffa, Ghepardo, Airone, gufo, ippopotamo, rondine, aragosta, insetti, giaguaro, coniglio, leopardo, levriero, lucertola, libellula, lepre, Leone, Leonessa, lupo, mammifero, Martin peccatore, oca, uccello, rapace, orso, Pantera, pavone, farfalla, Persico, pappagallo, piccione, pinguino, pesce, puledro, volpe, rinoceronte, cinghiale, serpente, scimmia, Toro, tartaruga, Tucano, mucca, vitello, perché Collezionisti ne sono ghiotti.
Siamo costantemente alla ricerca di oggetti di stile; Stile animale, stile arte e artigianato, stile Art Deco, stile Art Nouveau, stile barocco, stile Chippendale, stile cubista, stile impero, stile gotico, stile Luigi XV, stile Luigi XVI, stile moderno, stile neoclassico, stile Queen Anne, stile Regency, stile rococò, stile romantico, stile Simms sims, stile tradizionale, stile vittoriano, stile vintage, stile pubblicitario, stile massonico, stile sexy, stile erotico, stile collector Stile nudo e nudo Stile mitologico, stile autentico, fatto a mano Stile artwork. Gli scultori che troviamo nelle nostre collezioni sono.
Creatori come noi come al Buell disegnatore per la rivista Esquire, collezionisti, gruppi di promozione e marketing, architetti del paesaggio, gallerie, scuole, enti di beneficenza, comuni, ristoranti e decoratori professionali e molti altri. SPAGNOLA Estamos concentrando nuestros esfuerzos en la búsqueda de objetos de arte asombrosos y de alta calidad en edición limitada. Nuestros objetos decorativos pueden adornar las casas de los vivos en el jardín así como las oficinas. Estos clientes exigentes esperan nuestras mejores ofertas de nosotros.Las cosas principales que estamos buscando son; El bronce sólido montó en una base de la piedra natural o del mármol negro, arrabio, acero, porcelana, de cerámica, esmaltes, agrietado, resbalón, galleta, cerámica, terracota en la condición perfecta para ofrecer como regalo. Nuestra investigación principal se centra en los temas; Acróbata, alsaciano, Amaltea, Apolo, Archero, Arlequín, Baco, bañista, barco, Baño Belleza, caja de joyería, caja del tabaco, carnicero, sostenedor de vela, botella, cenicero, centro de tabla, seta, candelero, chocolate, payaso, Columbina, combatiente, tazón de fruta, copa, jarro, cocinero, bailarín, bailarín desnudo, mezclilla, doncella, señora desnuda, de bajo-plato, diablo, Diane Huntress, Discóbolo, escolar, estudiante, escritorio del clip, duende, hada, tinta, niño, cercado, granjero, partido, Estatuilla, chica, flor, fuente, balompié, herrero, Uomo di frutta, chico, caballero, gladiador, jugador de golf, novio, mitad Doll Pin cojines, alfiletero, holandés, hombre desnudo, aceite, embriaguez, jardinero, jinete, cocina, justicia, mes de la cosecha, nacimiento, Semeuse, victoria, vid, jardín, pensador, el despertar, estrella fugaz, el huevo, lupa, enfermo, manga, maquillaje. Los animales también están en el centro de nuestra investigación; Águila, Garceta, animal y animales de caza, animales de granja, animales domésticos, animales salvajes, araña, avestruz, Borzoi, cacatúa, caribú, ciervo, Cetáceo, camello, gato, caballo, cabra, perro, perro desagradable, cachorro, mariquita, cerdo, cocker, colibrí, collar, paloma, gallo, cangrejo, cocodrilo, crustáceo, cisne, delfín, dragón, elefante, caracol, etrusco, faisán, Faon, halcón, Fauvette, fox terrier, girafa, rana, chita, garza, búho, hipopótamo, golondrina, langosta, halcón, insectos, conejo, leopardo, lagarto, libélula, liebre, leona, lobo, mamífero, Martin pescador, oca, ave, ave de rapiña, oso, pantera, pavo real, mariposa, perca, loro, paloma, pingüino, pez, potro, jabalí, serpiente, setter, mono, toro, tigre, tortuga, tucán, vaca, becerro, porque A los coleccionistas les gusta.
Estamos constantemente buscando objetos de estilo; Estilo animal, estilo arte y artesanía, estilo Art Deco, estilo Art Nouveau, estilo barroco, estilo Chippendale, estilo cubista, estilo Empire, estilo gótico, estilo Louis XV, estilo Louis XVI, estilo moderno, estilo neoclásico, estilo Queen Anne, estilo Regency, estilo rococó, estilo romántico, estilo Simms sims, estilo tradicional, estilo victoriano, estilo vintage, estilo publicitario, estilo masónico, estilo sexy, estilo erótico, estilo coleccionista estilo desnudo y desnudo estilo mitológico, estilo auténtico, hecho a mano Estilo de la obra de arte. Los escultores que encontramos en nuestras colecciones: son determinantes en nuestras elecciones. Encontramos en nuestras colecciones modelos famosos como; Atendemos una clientela muy exigente, incluyendo coleccionistas, arquitectos, grupos de promoción y marketing, arquitectos paisajistas, galerías, escuelas, organizaciones benéficas, municipios, restaurantes y decoradores profesionales, entre otros. Estos clientes exigentes esperan que seamos nuestras mejores ofertas. ALEMÁN Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Suche nach erstaunlichen und qualitativ hochwertigen Kunstgegenständen in limitierter Auflage.
Unsere dekorativen Gegenstände können die Häuser der Lebenden im Garten sowie die Büros verzieren. Diese anspruchsvollen Kunden erwarten von uns unsere besten Angebote. Die wichtigsten Dinge, die wir suchen, sind; Solid Bronze montiert auf einer Basis aus Naturstein oder schwarzem Marmor, Kupfer, Gusseisen, Stahl, Metall, Porzellan, Emaille, rissig, Keks, Keramik, Terrakotta in perfektem Zustand als Geschenk zu bieten.
Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach Stilobjekten; Tierstil, Art & Craft-Stil, Art-Deco-Stil, Jugendstil, Barockstil, Chippendale-Stil, Stil im Empire Stil, Gothic Stil, Louis XV Stil, Louis XVI Stil, moderner Stil, neoklassischer Stil, Queen Anne Stil, Regency Stil, Rokoko Stil, romantischer Stil, Sims Stil Sims, traditioneller Stil, viktorianischer Stil, Vintage-Stil, Werbestil, Freimaurer-Stil, Sexy-Stil, erotischer Stil, Sammlerstil, Nackter Stil, Mythologischer Stil, Authentischer Stil, Handgemachter Stil, Kunstwerksstil. Die Bildhauer, die wir in unseren Sammlungen finden, sind: Wir bedienen eine sehr anspruchsvolle Kundschaft, einschließlich Sammler, Architekten, Promotion- und Marketinggruppen, Landschaftsarchitekten